Teaching with Canvas

Teaching with Canvas

Canvas Concierge

Canvas is UCR’s new learning management system (LMS). Some of the tools and features of Canvas include: a gradebook, discussion forums, quizzing, announcements, messaging, speedgrader, syllabus, calendar, and more.

XCITE is here to help you with all of your Canvas needs as a faculty member.  We encourage you to use our Canvas Concierge service.

Canvas Concierge Hours can provide support for:

  • Course Design
  • Use of Discussion boards
  • Curation of exams 
  • Assistance with other Academic Technology tools
Schedule Fall 2024 Quarter Winter 2025 Quarter
  September 16-19, 2024  January 8-12, 2025
Time: 10:00am-11:00am || 1:00pm-2:00pm || 2:00pm-3:00pm
Zoom Link: https://ucr.zoom.us/j/98492676831

For additional support on Canvas, the following resources are available:

For (UCR) Canvas Campus support -- ITS/Bearhelp (M-F 8am- 5pm)

For support directly from Canvas, you may take advantage of the following resources  24/7 365 Days

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