Teaching with Canvas

Teaching with Canvas

Canvas Concierge

Canvas is UCR’s new learning management system (LMS). Some of the tools and features of Canvas include: a gradebook, discussion forums, quizzing, announcements, messaging, speedgrader, syllabus, calendar, and more.

XCITE is here to help you with all of your Canvas needs as a faculty member.  We encourage you to use our Canvas Concierge service.

Canvas Concierge Hours can provide support for:

  • Course Design
  • Use of Discussion boards
  • Curation of exams 
  • Assistance with other Academic Technology tools
Schedule Fall 2024 Quarter Winter 2025 Quarter
  September 16- 19, 2023  January 8-12, 2025
Time: 11:00am-1:00pm
Zoom Link https://ucr.zoom.us/j/92984653699

For additional support on Canvas, the following resources are available:

For (UCR) Canvas Campus support -- ITS/Bearhelp (M-F 8am- 5pm)

For support directly from Canvas, you may take advantage of the following resources  24/7 365 Days

Canvas Faculty Ambassadors 

Canvas Faculty Ambassadors help with the successful adoption of the Canvas platform by sharing information and resources that help facilitate the Canvas rollout at UCR. If you're not officially a "Canvas Ambassador" but would like to be, you can partner with XCITE to help your friends and colleagues learn ways to use Canvas. Simply "Opt-In" by submitting this form Once we have your information, you will be included in communications to the Canvas Faculty Ambassadors group and will have the opportunity to bring questions, resources, or ideas for support to monthly meetings with fellow Ambassadors and XCITE. The frequency of participation is voluntary and can depend on your availability.

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