
NotebookLM is a Generative AI tool that combines note-taking with large language models (LLM). Think of it as a note-taking interface with an AI research assistant working with you. NotebookLM uses up to 20 resources that you feed into it as its main training model. Some of its key features include:

  • Geared to Your Sources
    Unlike LLM chatbots, NotebookLM grounds itself in the information you upload to it, such as notes or articles. It better tailors its responses to your specific area of study.
  • Improved Comprehension
    NotebookLM analyzes your notes, identifying areas you might find confusing. It can then offer summaries, explanations, or generate questions to help clarify the information for you.
  • Enhanced Writing
    Struggling to express yourself clearly? NotebookLM can analyze your writing and then make suggestions, provide critiques, or even help brainstorm new ideas.
  • Research Support
    NotebookLM can be your research companion, offering up summaries to complex articles and even helping you make connections between different research areas to help you find relevant sources.

Overall, NotebookLM is an innovative tool that transforms how you take notes, learn from information, and even approach your writing. It's currently in its experimental stages, but it has the potential to be a valuable asset for UCR students and instructors.

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