Augmented and Virtual Reality

XCITE is working with UCR faculty to develop and support immersive VR learning experiences for students. We can recreate the experience of being in the environment they are studying or go beyond the limits of human perception to envision experiences on the cellular or galactic level. We will have a host of graduate & undergraduate students ready to assist our faculty and researchers in creating advanced presentations and interactive experiences. Virtual and Augmented Reality experiences in the classroom can help enhance learner motivation and their understanding of material as well as break financial barriers in higher education.

How Will We Be Using This Technology?

  • Creating advanced visual representations of cutting edge research being performed at UCR,
  • Working with faculty members to create immersive supplemental content for courses

How Can I Get Involved in This Project?

Please contact xcite-help@ucr.edu if you would like to collaborate with XCITE on AR/VR initiatives.

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