Faculty Development

Faculty Development

XCITE provides faculty professional development offerings focused on assisting faculty in the growth of their pedagogical knowledge and reaching their career goals. We value agility and recognize faculty have diverse backgrounds in levels of seniority and experience with pedagogy. We respect faculty backgrounds and experiences and want to support faculty how and when they need it. We value our partnerships with faculty and what their goals are. XCITE professional development of teaching services starts by meeting faculty where they are at and in partnership creates opportunities to explore and grow.  

View XCITEs ongoing and upcoming faculty professional development offerings below:

XCITE will lead a series of workshops on crafting an effective teacher portfolio for faculty and graduate teaching assistants. Your completed Teacher Portfolio will represent your teaching philosophy, values, improvements, and effectiveness. In the workshops, participants will work on creating and developing relevant artifacts and then learn how to curate them into an individualized teacher portfolio. Opportunities for personal consultations with XCITE specialists will be made available. Teacher Portfolios can help faculty see teaching as an ongoing process of inquiry, experimentation, and reflection. 

  • Teaching in the Round
    • Oregon State University faculty and staff will visit UCR on  March 28, 2023 and share teaching in the round experience and research. All events are open to UCR faculty and TAs.
  • Community-Engaged Teaching
    • Pedagogical Working Session, Feb. 17, 2023, XCITE Commons, Tomás Rivera Library, A0101A
      • In this Community-Engaged Teaching Working Session participants will be guided in the early phases of designing their course integrating elements of community-engaged learning. If you have a course syllabus please bring it to this session.

For additional information or to schedule a consultation please email xcite-help@ucr.edu

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